Adiar 2.1.0
An External Memory Decision Diagram Library
Adiar is a library for manipulating Decision Diagrams even when these grow bigger than the memory one has available. To achieve this, all operations are not implemented recursively with a shared unique node table, but instead they are created as streaming algorithms that exploit a specific sorting of diagram nodes on disk to delay recursion.
This project has been developed at the Logic and Semantics group at Aarhus University.
Current Maintainer: Steffan Sølvsten
The software and documentation files in this repository are distributed under the MIT License.
Using Adiar will indirectly use TPIE underneath, which in turn is licensed under the LGPL v3 license. Hence, a binary of yours that is statically linked to Adiar will be affected by that license. That is, if you share that binary with others, then you will be obliged to make the source public. This can be resolved by using Adiar as a shared library or have it use an alternative to TPIE, such as STXXL.