Adiar 2.1.0
An External Memory Decision Diagram Library
No Matches
Function Objects

Basic Usage contained examples for how to use the basic version of most BDD operations. For more advanced usage, you need to use Function Objects as a bridge between your own code and Adiar.


An adiar::predicate is a function that given a value of some type T returns a bool. For example, the following lambda is a predicate for whether a BDD variable is odd.

const adiar::predicate<int> is_odd = [](int x) -> bool
return x % 2;
function< bool(Args...)> predicate
Predicate function given value(s) of type(s) Args.
Definition functional.h:48

In Basic Usage, we showed how to use it to quantify a single variable. You can parse the above predicate to adiar::bdd_exists to quantify all odd variables at once.

A reduced Binary Decision Diagram.
Definition bdd.h:53
__bdd bdd_exists(const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var)
Existential quantification of a single variable.


As part of your program, you most likely store the to-be quantified variables somewhere. The idiomatic way in C++ to interact with data structures is to use iterators. A data structure can be parsed directly to Adiar's operations, if it can provide its data in the same order as they need to be consumed by the BDD operation. In the case of adiar::bdd_exists, the iterator's data has to be in descending order.

std::vector<int> xs = { 5, 3, 1 };
adiar::bdd _ = adiar::bdd_exists(f, xs.begin(), xs.end());

Reversely, one can also parse information from Adiar's algorithms back into one's own data structures with an output iterator. For example, the variables within a BDD can be copied (in ascending order) into a std::vector with the adiar::bdd_support function as follows.

std::vector<int> xs;
adiar::bdd_support(f, std::back_inserter(xs));
void bdd_support(const bdd &f, const consumer< bdd::label_type > &cb)
Get (in ascending order) all of the variable labels that occur in the BDD.

Generators and Consumers

Under the hood, Adiar wraps the iterator-pair into an adiar::generator or an adiar::consumer.


A generator function is a stateful function object that when called provides an adiar::optional of the next value; in many ways this can be thought of as a coroutine. That is, the above example for quantifying x5, x3, and x1 can also be done with the following lambda function.

const auto gen = [x = 7]() mutable -> adiar::optional<int>
// If x < 0, we are done.
if (x < 0) { return {}; }
// Otherwise, return x-2.
return {x -= 2};
std::optional< T > optional
An optional value, i.e. a possibly existent value.
Definition types.h:81

Similarly, one can parse an (ascending) iterator or generator adiar::bdd_restrict to restrict multiple variables. Doing so is going to be significantly faster.


A consumer function essentially is a callback that consumes the result. For example, we can print all of the variables that are present within a BDD to the console with the following lambda function.

const auto con = [](int x) -> void
std::cout << x << "\n";

Similarly, one can obtain the satisfying assignment of adiar::bdd_satmin and adiar::bdd_satmax with iterators and/or consumer functions.