Adiar 2.1.0
An External Memory Decision Diagram Library
No Matches
Binary Decision Diagrams

A Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) represents a boolean function \( \{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \} \) over a finite domain of \( n \) boolean input variables. More...


class  adiar::__bdd
 A (possibly) unreduced Binary Decision Diagram. More...
class  adiar::bdd
 A reduced Binary Decision Diagram. More...

Basic BDD Constructors

To construct a more complex but well-structured bdd by hand, please use the bdd_builder (see builder) instead.

bdd adiar::bdd_const (bool value)
 The BDD representing the given constant value.
bdd adiar::bdd_terminal (bool value)
 The BDD representing the given constant value.
bdd adiar::bdd_false ()
 The BDD representing the constant false.
bdd adiar::bdd_bot ()
 The bottom of the powerset lattice.
bdd adiar::bdd_true ()
 The BDD representing the constant true.
bdd adiar::bdd_top ()
 The top of the powerset lattice.
bdd adiar::bdd_ithvar (bdd::label_type var)
 The BDD representing the i'th variable.
bdd adiar::bdd_nithvar (bdd::label_type var)
 The BDD representing the negation of the i'th variable.
bdd adiar::bdd_and (const generator< int > &vars)
 The BDD representing the logical 'and' of all the given variables, i.e. a term of variables.
bdd adiar::bdd_and (const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &vars)
 The BDD representing the logical 'and' of all the given variables, i.e. a term of variables.
template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<ForwardIt, bdd>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_and (ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 The BDD representing the logical 'and' of all the given variables, i.e. a term of variables.
bdd adiar::bdd_or (const generator< int > &vars)
 The BDD representing the logical 'or' of all the given variables, i.e. a clause of variables.
bdd adiar::bdd_or (const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &vars)
 The BDD representing the logical 'or' of all the given variables, i.e. a clause of variables.
template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<ForwardIt, bdd>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_or (ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 The BDD representing the logical 'or' of all the given variables, i.e. a clause of variables.
bdd adiar::bdd_cube (const generator< int > &vars)
 The BDD representing the cube of all the given variables.
bdd adiar::bdd_cube (const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &vars)
 The BDD representing the cube of all the given variables.
template<typename ForwardIt >
bdd adiar::bdd_cube (ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 The BDD representing the cube of all the given variables.

Basic BDD Manipulation

bdd adiar::bdd_not (const bdd &f)
 Negation of a BDD.
bdd adiar::operator~ (const bdd &f)
__bdd adiar::bdd_apply (const bdd &f, const bdd &g, const predicate< bool, bool > &op)
 Apply a binary operator between two BDDs.
__bdd adiar::bdd_apply (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g, const predicate< bool, bool > &op)
 Apply a binary operator between two BDDs.
__bdd adiar::bdd_and (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'and' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_and (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'and' operator.
__bdd adiar::operator& (const bdd &lhs, const bdd &rhs)
__bdd adiar::operator* (const bdd &lhs, const bdd &rhs)
__bdd adiar::bdd_nand (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'nand' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_nand (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'nand' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_or (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'or' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_or (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'or' operator.
__bdd adiar::operator| (const bdd &lhs, const bdd &rhs)
bdd adiar::operator+ (const bdd &f)
__bdd adiar::operator+ (const bdd &lhs, const bdd &rhs)
__bdd adiar::bdd_nor (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'nor' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_nor (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'nor' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_xor (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'xor' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_xor (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'xor' operator.
__bdd adiar::operator^ (const bdd &lhs, const bdd &rhs)
__bdd adiar::bdd_xnor (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'xnor' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_xnor (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'xnor' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_imp (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'implication' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_imp (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'implication' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_invimp (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'inverse implication' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_invimp (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'inverse implication' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_equiv (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'equivalence' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_equiv (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'equivalence' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_diff (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'difference' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_diff (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'difference' operator.
bdd adiar::operator- (const bdd &f)
__bdd adiar::operator- (const bdd &lhs, const bdd &rhs)
__bdd adiar::bdd_less (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'less than' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_less (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Logical 'less than' operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_ite (const bdd &f, const bdd &g, const bdd &h)
 If-Then-Else operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_ite (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g, const bdd &h)
 If-Then-Else operator.
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict (const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var, bool val)
 Restrict a single variable to a constant value.
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var, bool val)
 Restrict a single variable to a constant value.
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict (const bdd &f, const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &xs)
 Restrict a subset of variables to constant values.
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &xs)
 Restrict a subset of variables to constant values.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict (const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Restrict a subset of variables to constant values.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Restrict a subset of variables to constant values.
__bdd adiar::bdd_low (const bdd &f)
 Restrict the root to false, i.e. follow its low edge.
__bdd adiar::bdd_low (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f)
 Restrict the root to false, i.e. follow its low edge.
__bdd adiar::bdd_high (const bdd &f)
 Restrict the root to true, i.e. follow its high edge.
__bdd adiar::bdd_high (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f)
 Restrict the root to true, i.e. follow its high edge.
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var)
 Existential quantification of a single variable.
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var)
 Existential quantification of a single variable.
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const bdd &f, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Existential quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Existential quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const bdd &f, const generator< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Existential quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const generator< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Existential quantification of multiple variables.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Existential quantification of multiple variables.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Existential quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var)
 Forall quantification of a single variable.
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var)
 Forall quantification of a single variable.
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const bdd &f, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Forall quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Forall quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const bdd &f, const generator< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Forall quantification of multiple variables.
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const generator< bdd::label_type > &vars)
 Forall quantification of multiple variables.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Forall quantification of multiple variables.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Forall quantification of multiple variables.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprod (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &pred)
 Relational Product of states and a relation.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprod (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &pred)
 Relational Product of states and a relation.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m, replace_type m_type)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m, replace_type m_type)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const bdd::label_type varcount)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product for disjoint variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const bdd::label_type varcount)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product for disjoint variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product for interleaved variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relnext (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation)
 Forwards step with the Relational Product for interleaved variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m, replace_type m_type)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &m, replace_type m_type)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const bdd::label_type varcount)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product for disjoint variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation, const bdd::label_type varcount)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product for disjoint variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const bdd &states, const bdd &relation)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product for interleaved variable orderings, including relabelling.
bdd adiar::bdd_relprev (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &states, const bdd &relation)
 Backwards step with the Relational Product for interleaved variable orderings, including relabelling.

BDD Predicates

bool adiar::bdd_iscanonical (const bdd &f)
 Check whether a BDD is canonical.
bool adiar::bdd_isconst (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is a constant.
bool adiar::bdd_isterminal (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is a constant (terminal).
bool adiar::bdd_isfalse (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is the constant false.
bool adiar::bdd_istrue (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is the constant true.
bool adiar::bdd_isvar (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is a function dependent on a single variable.
bool adiar::bdd_isithvar (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is the function of a single positive variable.
bool adiar::bdd_isnithvar (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD is the function of a single negative variable.
bool adiar::bdd_iscube (const bdd &f)
 Whether a BDD represents a cube.
bool adiar::bdd_equal (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Whether the two BDDs represent the same function.
bool adiar::bdd_equal (const exec_policy &, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Whether the two BDDs represent the same function.
bool adiar::operator== (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
bool adiar::bdd_unequal (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Whether the two BDDs represent different functions.
bool adiar::bdd_unequal (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const bdd &g)
 Whether the two BDDs represent different functions.
bool adiar::operator!= (const bdd &f, const bdd &g)

BDD Counting Operations

size_t adiar::bdd_nodecount (const bdd &f)
 The number of (internal) nodes used to represent the function.
bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_varcount (const bdd &f)
 The number of variables that influence the outcome of f, i.e. the number of levels in the BDD.
uint64_t adiar::bdd_pathcount (const bdd &f)
 Count all unique (but not necessarily disjoint) paths to the true terminal.
uint64_t adiar::bdd_pathcount (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f)
 Count all unique (but not necessarily disjoint) paths to the true terminal.
uint64_t adiar::bdd_satcount (const bdd &f, bdd::label_type varcount)
 Count the number of assignments x that make f(x) true.
uint64_t adiar::bdd_satcount (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, bdd::label_type varcount)
 Count the number of assignments x that make f(x) true.
uint64_t adiar::bdd_satcount (const bdd &f)
 Count the number of assignments x that make f(x) true.
uint64_t adiar::bdd_satcount (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f)
 Count the number of assignments *x that make f(x) true.

Input Variables

bdd adiar::bdd_replace (const bdd &f, const function< bdd::label_type(bdd::label_type)> &m)
 Replace variables in f according to the mapping in m.
bdd adiar::bdd_replace (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const function< bdd::label_type(bdd::label_type)> &m)
 Replace variables in f according to the mapping in m.
bdd adiar::bdd_replace (const bdd &f, const function< bdd::label_type(bdd::label_type)> &m, replace_type m_type)
 Replace variables in f according to the mapping in m.
bdd adiar::bdd_replace (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const function< bdd::label_type(bdd::label_type)> &m, replace_type m_type)
 Replace variables in f according to the mapping in m.
void adiar::bdd_support (const bdd &f, const consumer< bdd::label_type > &cb)
 Get (in ascending order) all of the variable labels that occur in the BDD.
template<typename OutputIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<OutputIt, consumer<bdd::label_type>>>>
OutputIt adiar::bdd_support (const bdd &f, OutputIt iter)
 Copy all of the variable labels (in ascending order) that occur in the BDD into the given container.
bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_topvar (const bdd &f)
 Get the root's variable label.
bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_minvar (const bdd &f)
 Get the minimal occurring variable in the function's support.
bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_maxvar (const bdd &f)
 Get the maximal occurring variable in the function's support.
bdd adiar::bdd_satmin (const bdd &f)
 The lexicographically smallest cube x such that f(x) is true.
bdd adiar::bdd_satmin (const bdd &f, const generator< bdd::label_type > &d, const size_t d_size=bdd::max_label+1)
 The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true within the given domain.
template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<is_const<typename ForwardIt::reference>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_satmin (const bdd &f, ForwardIt cbegin, ForwardIt cend)
 The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.
bdd adiar::bdd_satmin (const bdd &f, const bdd &d)
 The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.
void adiar::bdd_satmin (const bdd &f, const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &c)
 The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.
template<typename OutputIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<OutputIt, consumer<pair<bdd::label_type, bool>>> && !is_convertible<OutputIt, bdd>>>
OutputIt adiar::bdd_satmin (const bdd &f, OutputIt iter)
 The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.
bdd adiar::bdd_satmax (const bdd &f)
 The lexicographically largest cube x such that f(x) is true.
bdd adiar::bdd_satmax (const bdd &f, const generator< bdd::label_type > &d, const size_t d_size=bdd::max_label+1)
 The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true within the given domain.
template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<is_const<typename ForwardIt::reference>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_satmax (const bdd &f, ForwardIt cbegin, ForwardIt cend)
 The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.
bdd adiar::bdd_satmax (const bdd &f, const bdd &d)
 The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.
void adiar::bdd_satmax (const bdd &f, const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &c)
 The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.
template<typename OutputIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<OutputIt, consumer<pair<bdd::label_type, bool>>> && !is_convertible<OutputIt, bdd>>>
OutputIt adiar::bdd_satmax (const bdd &f, OutputIt iter)
 The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.
pair< bdd, doubleadiar::bdd_optmin (const bdd &f, const cost< bdd::label_type > &c)
 Obtain the satisfying assignment that is minimal for the given linear cost function over the global domain.
pair< bdd, doubleadiar::bdd_optmin (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const cost< bdd::label_type > &c)
 obtain the satisfying assignment that is minimal for the given linear cost function over the global domain.
double adiar::bdd_optmin (const bdd &f, const cost< bdd::label_type > &c, const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &cb)
 Obtain the satisfying assignment that is minimal for the given linear cost function over the global domain.
double adiar::bdd_optmin (const exec_policy &ep, const bdd &f, const cost< bdd::label_type > &c, const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &cb)
 Obtain the satisfying assignment that is minimal for the given linear cost function over the global domain.
bool adiar::bdd_eval (const bdd &f, const predicate< bdd::label_type > &xs)
 Evaluate a BDD according to an assignment to its variables.
bool adiar::bdd_eval (const bdd &f, const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &xs)
 Evaluate a BDD according to an assignment to its variables.
template<typename ForwardIt >
bool adiar::bdd_eval (const bdd &f, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Evaluate a BDD according to an assignment to its variables.

Conversion to BDDs

__bdd adiar::bdd_from (const zdd &A, const generator< bdd::label_type > &dom)
 Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the given domain.
__bdd adiar::bdd_from (const exec_policy &ep, const zdd &A, const generator< bdd::label_type > &dom)
 Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the given domain.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_from (const zdd &A, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the given domain.
template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_from (const exec_policy &ep, const zdd &A, ForwardIt begin, ForwardIt end)
 Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the given domain.
__bdd adiar::bdd_from (const zdd &A)
 Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the global domain.
__bdd adiar::bdd_from (const exec_policy &ep, const zdd &A)
 Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the global domain.

DOT Files of BDDs

void adiar::bdd_printdot (const bdd &f, std::ostream &out=std::cout, bool include_id=false)
 Output a DOT drawing of a BDD to the given output stream.
void adiar::bdd_printdot (const bdd &f, const std::string &file_name, bool include_id=false)
 Output a DOT drawing of a BDD to the file with the given name.

Detailed Description

A Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) represents a boolean function \( \{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \} \) over a finite domain of \( n \) boolean input variables.

The bdd class takes care of reference counting and optimal garbage collection of the underlying files. To ensure the most disk-space is available, try to garbage collect the bdd objects as quickly as possible and/or minimise the number of lvalues of said type.

Function Documentation

◆ bdd_and() [1/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_and ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'and' operator.

\( f \land g \)
See also

◆ bdd_and() [2/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_and ( const generator< int > &  vars)

The BDD representing the logical 'and' of all the given variables, i.e. a term of variables.

Any negative labels provided by the generator are interpreted as the negation of said variable.

varsGenerator of labels of variables in descending order. These values can at most be bdd::max_label.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{vars}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf vars are not in descending order.

◆ bdd_and() [3/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_and ( const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  vars)

The BDD representing the logical 'and' of all the given variables, i.e. a term of variables.

varsGenerator of pairs (label, negated) in descending order. These values can at most be bdd::max_label.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{vars}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf vars are not in descending order.

◆ bdd_and() [4/4]

template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<ForwardIt, bdd>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_and ( ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

The BDD representing the logical 'and' of all the given variables, i.e. a term of variables.

Any negative labels provided by the generator are interpreted as the negation of said variable.

beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the variables in descending order. All its values should be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{begin} \dots \mathit{end}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf the iterator does not provide values in descending order.

◆ bdd_apply()

__bdd adiar::bdd_apply ( const bdd f,
const bdd g,
const predicate< bool, bool > &  op 

Apply a binary operator between two BDDs.

fBDD for the left-hand-side of the operator
gBDD for the right-hand-side of the operator
opBinary predicate on bool to-be applied.
\( f \mathbin{\mathit{op}} g\)
See also

◆ bdd_bot()

bdd adiar::bdd_bot ( )

The bottom of the powerset lattice.

\( \bot \)
See also

◆ bdd_const()

bdd adiar::bdd_const ( bool  value)

The BDD representing the given constant value.

valueThe constant Boolean value
See also
bdd_false bdd_true

◆ bdd_cube() [1/3]

bdd adiar::bdd_cube ( const generator< int > &  vars)

The BDD representing the cube of all the given variables.

Any negative labels provided by the generator are interpreted as the negation of said variable.

varsGenerator of labels of variables in descending order. These values can at most be bdd::max_label.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{vars}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf vars are not in descending order.
See also

◆ bdd_cube() [2/3]

bdd adiar::bdd_cube ( const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  vars)

The BDD representing the cube of all the given variables.

varsGenerator of pairs (label, negated) in descending order. These values can at most be bdd::max_label.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{vars}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf vars are not in descending order.
See also

◆ bdd_cube() [3/3]

template<typename ForwardIt >
bdd adiar::bdd_cube ( ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

The BDD representing the cube of all the given variables.

Any negative labels provided by the generator are interpreted as the negation of said variable.

beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the variables in descending order. All its values should be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{begin} \dots \mathit{end}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf the iterator does not provide values in descending order.
See also

◆ bdd_diff()

__bdd adiar::bdd_diff ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'difference' operator.

\( f \setminus g \)
See also

◆ bdd_equiv()

__bdd adiar::bdd_equiv ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'equivalence' operator.

\( f = g \)
See also

◆ bdd_eval() [1/3]

bool adiar::bdd_eval ( const bdd f,
const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  xs 

Evaluate a BDD according to an assignment to its variables.

fThe BDD to evaluate.
xsAssignments (i,v) to variables in (in ascending order).
out_of_rangeIf traversal of the BDD leads to going beyond the end of the content of xs.
invalid_argumentIf a level in the BDD does not exist in xs.

◆ bdd_eval() [2/3]

bool adiar::bdd_eval ( const bdd f,
const predicate< bdd::label_type > &  xs 

Evaluate a BDD according to an assignment to its variables.

The given assignment function may assume/abuse that it is only called with the labels in a strictly increasing order.

fThe BDD to evaluate
xsAn assignment function of the type \( \texttt{label\_t} \rightarrow \texttt{bool} \).

◆ bdd_eval() [3/3]

template<typename ForwardIt >
bool adiar::bdd_eval ( const bdd f,
ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

Evaluate a BDD according to an assignment to its variables.

fThe BDD to evaluate.
beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the assignment in ascending order.
endMarks the end for begin.
out_of_rangeIf traversal of the BDD leads to going beyond the end of the content of xs.
invalid_argumentIf a level in the BDD does not exist in xs.

◆ bdd_exists() [1/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_exists ( const bdd f,
bdd::label_type  var 

Existential quantification of a single variable.

Computes the BDD for \( \exists x_{i} : f \) faster than computing \( f|_{x_i = \bot} \lor f|_{x_i = \top} \) using bdd_apply and bdd_restrict.

fBDD to be quantified
varVariable to quantify in f
\( \exists x_{var} : f \)

◆ bdd_exists() [2/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_exists ( const bdd f,
const generator< bdd::label_type > &  vars 

Existential quantification of multiple variables.

fBDD to be quantified.
varsGenerator function, that produces variables to be quantified in descending order. These values have to be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
\( \exists x_i \in \texttt{gen()} : f \)

◆ bdd_exists() [3/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_exists ( const bdd f,
const predicate< bdd::label_type > &  vars 

Existential quantification of multiple variables.

fBDD to be quantified.
varsPredicate to identify the variables to quantify in f. You may abuse the fact, that this predicate will only be invoked in ascending/descending order of the levels in f (but, with retraversals).
\( \exists x_i \in \texttt{vars} : f \)

◆ bdd_exists() [4/4]

template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_exists ( const bdd f,
ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

Existential quantification of multiple variables.

fBDD to be quantified.
beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the to-be quantified variables in descending order. All variables should be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
\( \exists x_i \in \texttt{begin} ... \texttt{end} : f \)

◆ bdd_false()

bdd adiar::bdd_false ( )

The BDD representing the constant false.

\( \bot \)

◆ bdd_forall() [1/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_forall ( const bdd f,
bdd::label_type  var 

Forall quantification of a single variable.

Computes the BDD for \( \forall x_{i} : f \) faster than computing \( f|_{x_i = \bot} \land f|_{x_i = \top} \) using bdd_apply and bdd_restrict.

fBDD to be quantified.
varVariable to quantify in f
\( \forall x_{var} : f \)

◆ bdd_forall() [2/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_forall ( const bdd f,
const generator< bdd::label_type > &  vars 

Forall quantification of multiple variables.

fBDD to be quantified.
genGenerator function, that produces variables to be quantified in descending order. These values have to be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
\( \forall x_i \in \texttt{gen()} : f \)

◆ bdd_forall() [3/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_forall ( const bdd f,
const predicate< bdd::label_type > &  vars 

Forall quantification of multiple variables.

fBDD to be quantified.
varsPredicate to identify the variables to quantify in f. You may abuse the fact, that this predicate will only be invoked in ascending/descending order of the levels in f (but, with retraversals).
\( \forall x_i \in \texttt{vars} : f \)

◆ bdd_forall() [4/4]

template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_forall ( const bdd f,
ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

Forall quantification of multiple variables.

fBDD to be quantified.
beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the to-be quantified variables in descending order. All values should be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
\( \forall x_i \in \texttt{begin} ... \texttt{end} : f \)

◆ bdd_from() [1/3]

__bdd adiar::bdd_from ( const zdd A)

Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the global domain.

AFamily of a set (within the given global Variable Domain)
The global Variable Domain is set to a set of variables that is equals to or a superset of the variables in A.
BDD that is true for the exact same assignments to variables in the global domain.
See also
domain_set domain_isset

◆ bdd_from() [2/3]

__bdd adiar::bdd_from ( const zdd A,
const generator< bdd::label_type > &  dom 

Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the given domain.

AFamily of a set (within the given domain)
domGenerator function of domain variables in ascending order. These values may not exceed bdd::max_label.
BDD that is true for the exact same assignments to variables in the given domain.

◆ bdd_from() [3/3]

template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_from ( const zdd A,
ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

Obtains the BDD that represents the same function/set as the given ZDD within the given domain.

AFamily of a set (within the given domain)
beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the domain's variables in ascending order. These values may not exceed bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
BDD that is true for the exact same assignments to variables in the given domain.

◆ bdd_high()

__bdd adiar::bdd_high ( const bdd f)

Restrict the root to true, i.e. follow its high edge.

In other BDD packages, this function is good for traversing a BDD. But, here this is not a constant-time operation but constructs an entire new BDD of up-to linear size.
invalid_argumentIf f is a terminal.
See also

◆ bdd_imp()

__bdd adiar::bdd_imp ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'implication' operator.

\( f \rightarrow g \)
See also

◆ bdd_invimp()

__bdd adiar::bdd_invimp ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'inverse implication' operator.

\( f \leftarrow g \)
See also

◆ bdd_iscanonical()

bool adiar::bdd_iscanonical ( const bdd f)

Check whether a BDD is canonical.

◆ bdd_isconst()

bool adiar::bdd_isconst ( const bdd f)

Whether a BDD is a constant.

See also
bdd_isfalse bdd_istrue

◆ bdd_iscube()

bool adiar::bdd_iscube ( const bdd f)

Whether a BDD represents a cube.

See also

◆ bdd_isithvar()

bool adiar::bdd_isithvar ( const bdd f)

Whether a BDD is the function of a single positive variable.

See also
bdd_isvar bdd_ithvar

◆ bdd_isnithvar()

bool adiar::bdd_isnithvar ( const bdd f)

Whether a BDD is the function of a single negative variable.

See also
bdd_isvar bdd_nithvar

◆ bdd_isterminal()

bool adiar::bdd_isterminal ( const bdd f)

Whether a BDD is a constant (terminal).

See also
bdd_isfalse bdd_istrue

◆ bdd_isvar()

bool adiar::bdd_isvar ( const bdd f)

Whether a BDD is a function dependent on a single variable.

See also
bdd_isithvar bdd_isnithvar

◆ bdd_ite()

__bdd adiar::bdd_ite ( const bdd f,
const bdd g,
const bdd h 

If-Then-Else operator.

Computes the BDD expressing \( f ? g : h \) more efficient than computing \( (f \land g) \lor (\neg f \land h) \) with bdd_apply.

fBDD for the if conditional
gBDD for the then case
hBDD for the else case
\( f ? g : h \)
In other BDD packages, this function is good for manually constructing a BDD bottom-up. But, here you should use the bdd_builder class (see builder) instead
See also
bdd_apply builder bdd_builder

◆ bdd_ithvar()

bdd adiar::bdd_ithvar ( bdd::label_type  var)

The BDD representing the i'th variable.

varThe label of the desired variable. This value must be smaller or equals to bdd::max_label.
\( x_{var} \)
invalid_argumentIf var is a too large value.

◆ bdd_less()

__bdd adiar::bdd_less ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'less than' operator.

\( f < g \)
See also

◆ bdd_low()

__bdd adiar::bdd_low ( const bdd f)

Restrict the root to false, i.e. follow its low edge.

In other BDD packages, this function is good for traversing a BDD. But, here this is not a constant-time operation but constructs an entire new BDD of up-to linear size.
invalid_argumentIf f is a terminal.
See also

◆ bdd_maxvar()

bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_maxvar ( const bdd f)

Get the maximal occurring variable in the function's support.

invalid_argumentIf f is a terminal.

◆ bdd_minvar()

bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_minvar ( const bdd f)

Get the minimal occurring variable in the function's support.

invalid_argumentIf f is a terminal.

◆ bdd_nand()

__bdd adiar::bdd_nand ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'nand' operator.

\( \neg (f \land g) \)
See also

◆ bdd_nithvar()

bdd adiar::bdd_nithvar ( bdd::label_type  var)

The BDD representing the negation of the i'th variable.

varThe label of the desired variable. This value must be smaller or equals to / bdd::max_label.
\( \neg x_{var} \)
invalid_argumentIf var is a too large value.

◆ bdd_nor()

__bdd adiar::bdd_nor ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'nor' operator.

\( \neg (f \lor g) \)
See also

◆ bdd_not()

bdd adiar::bdd_not ( const bdd f)

Negation of a BDD.

Flips the negation flag such that reading nodes with a node_stream within Adiar's algorithms will on-the-fly change the false terminals into the true terminals and vica versa.

\( \neg f \)

◆ bdd_optmin() [1/2]

pair< bdd, double > adiar::bdd_optmin ( const bdd f,
const cost< bdd::label_type > &  c 

Obtain the satisfying assignment that is minimal for the given linear cost function over the global domain.

fThe BDD of feasible solutions
cA (pure) function that provides the cost function's coefficient.
A pair of a BDD cube with the best satisfying assignment and its cost. If no solution was found, returns the false constant and NaN

◆ bdd_optmin() [2/2]

double adiar::bdd_optmin ( const bdd f,
const cost< bdd::label_type > &  c,
const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  cb 

Obtain the satisfying assignment that is minimal for the given linear cost function over the global domain.

fThe BDD of feasible solutions
cA (pure) function that provides the cost function's coefficient.
cbA callback function that is called in descending order.
The cost of the satisfying solution if any, otherwise NaN.
If f is a terminal, cb will never be called

◆ bdd_or() [1/4]

__bdd adiar::bdd_or ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'or' operator.

\( f \lor g \)
See also

◆ bdd_or() [2/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_or ( const generator< int > &  vars)

The BDD representing the logical 'or' of all the given variables, i.e. a clause of variables.

Any negative labels provided by the generator are interpreted as the negation of said variable.

varsGenerator of labels of variables in descending order. When These values can at most be bdd::max_label.
\( \bigvee_{x \in \mathit{vars}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf vars are not in descending order.

◆ bdd_or() [3/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_or ( const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  vars)

The BDD representing the logical 'or' of all the given variables, i.e. a clause of variables.

varsGenerator of pairs (label, negated) in descending order. These values can at most be bdd::max_label.
\( \bigvee_{x \in \mathit{vars}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf vars are not in descending order.

◆ bdd_or() [4/4]

template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<ForwardIt, bdd>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_or ( ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

The BDD representing the logical 'or' of all the given variables, i.e. a clause of variables.

Any negative labels provided by the generator are interpreted as the negation of said variable.

beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the variables in descending order. All its values should be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
\( \bigwedge_{x \in \mathit{begin} \dots \mathit{end}} x \)
invalid_argumentIf the iterator does not provide values in descending order.

◆ bdd_pathcount()

uint64_t adiar::bdd_pathcount ( const bdd f)

Count all unique (but not necessarily disjoint) paths to the true terminal.

The number of unique paths.

◆ bdd_relnext() [1/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relnext ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation 

Forwards step with the Relational Product for interleaved variable orderings, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states. These are all encoded with even variables.
relationA relation between current (even) and next (odd) state variables.

◆ bdd_relnext() [2/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relnext ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const bdd::label_type  varcount 

Forwards step with the Relational Product for disjoint variable orderings, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states. These are all encoded with the variables 0, 1, ... varcount - 1.
relationA relation between current and next state variables. The next state is encoded with variables varcount, varcount+1, ... 2*varcount - 1.

◆ bdd_relnext() [3/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relnext ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &  m 

Forwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states.
relationA relation between current and next states.
mA (partial) variable relabelling from next to current. Variables for which m returns an empty value are existentially quantified, i.e. the previously current state variables.

◆ bdd_relnext() [4/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relnext ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &  m,
replace_type  m_type 

Forwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states.
relationA relation between current and next states.
mA (partial) variable relabelling from next to current. Variables for which m returns an empty value are existentially quantified, i.e. the previously current state variables.
m_typeGuarantees on the class of variable relabelling, e.g. whether it is monotonic.

◆ bdd_relprev() [1/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relprev ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation 

Backwards step with the Relational Product for interleaved variable orderings, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states. These are all encoded with even variables.
relationA relation between current (even) and next (odd) state variables.

◆ bdd_relprev() [2/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relprev ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const bdd::label_type  varcount 

Backwards step with the Relational Product for disjoint variable orderings, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states. These are all encoded with the variables 0, 1, ... varcount - 1.
relationA relation between current and next state variables. The next state is encoded with variables varcount, varcount+1, ... 2*varcount - 1.

◆ bdd_relprev() [3/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relprev ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &  m 

Backwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states.
relationA relation between current and next states.
mA (partial) variable relabelling from current to next. Variables for which m returns an empty value are existentially quantified, i.e. the next state variables (the previously current state variables).

◆ bdd_relprev() [4/4]

bdd adiar::bdd_relprev ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const function< optional< bdd::label_type >(bdd::label_type)> &  m,
replace_type  m_type 

Backwards step with the Relational Product, including relabelling.

statesA symbolic representation of the current set of states.
relationA relation between current and next states.
mA (partial) variable relabelling from current to next. Variables for which m returns an empty value are existentially quantified, i.e. the next state variables (the previously current state variables).
m_typeGuarantees on the class of variable relabelling, e.g. whether it is monotonic.

◆ bdd_relprod()

bdd adiar::bdd_relprod ( const bdd states,
const bdd relation,
const predicate< bdd::label_type > &  pred 

Relational Product of states and a relation.

statesA symbolic representation of the current (or next) set of states.
relationA relation between current and next states.
mPredicate whether a variable should be existentially quantified.

◆ bdd_replace() [1/2]

bdd adiar::bdd_replace ( const bdd f,
const function< bdd::label_type(bdd::label_type)> &  m 

Replace variables in f according to the mapping in m.

fBDD to replace variables within
mFunction from BDD label to another (or itself).
invalid_argumentif m is not a monotonic relabelling.

◆ bdd_replace() [2/2]

bdd adiar::bdd_replace ( const bdd f,
const function< bdd::label_type(bdd::label_type)> &  m,
replace_type  m_type 

Replace variables in f according to the mapping in m.

fBDD to replace variables within
mFunction from BDD label to another (or itself).
m_typeGuarantees on the class of variable relabelling, e.g. whether it is monotonic.
invalid_argumentif m_type classifies m as not monotonic.

◆ bdd_restrict() [1/3]

__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict ( const bdd f,
bdd::label_type  var,
bool  val 

Restrict a single variable to a constant value.

The variable i is restructed to the value v

fBDD to restrict.
varVariable to assign
valValue assigned
\( f|_{x_i = v} \)

◆ bdd_restrict() [2/3]

__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict ( const bdd f,
const generator< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  xs 

Restrict a subset of variables to constant values.

For each tuple (i,v) in the assignment xs, the variable with label i is set to the constant value v. This binds the scope of the variables in xs, i.e. any later mention of a variable i is not the same as variable i in xs.

fBDD to restrict.
xsAssignments (i,v) to variables in (in ascending order).
\( f|_{(i,v) \in xs : x_i = v} \)

◆ bdd_restrict() [3/3]

template<typename ForwardIt >
__bdd adiar::bdd_restrict ( const bdd f,
ForwardIt  begin,
ForwardIt  end 

Restrict a subset of variables to constant values.

For each tuple (i,v) provided by the iterator, the variable with label i is set to the constant value v.

fBDD to restrict
beginSingle-pass forward iterator that provides the to-be restricted variables in ascending order. All variables should be smaller than or equals to bdd::max_label.
endMarks the end for begin.
\( f|_{(i,v) \in xs : x_i = v} \)

◆ bdd_satcount() [1/2]

uint64_t adiar::bdd_satcount ( const bdd f)

Count the number of assignments x that make f(x) true.

Same as bdd_satcount(f, varcount), with varcount set to be the size of the global domain or the number of variables within the given BDD.

See also
domain_set bdd_varcount

◆ bdd_satcount() [2/2]

uint64_t adiar::bdd_satcount ( const bdd f,
bdd::label_type  varcount 

Count the number of assignments x that make f(x) true.

fBDD to count within.
varcountThe number of variables in the domain of the function. This number should be larger than or equal to the number of levels in the BDD (
See also
The number of unique assignments.
invalid_argumentIf varcount is not larger than the number of levels in the BDD.

◆ bdd_satmax() [1/6]

bdd adiar::bdd_satmax ( const bdd f)

The lexicographically largest cube x such that f(x) is true.

Outputs the trace of the high-most path to the true terminal. The resulting assignment is lexicographically largest, where every variable is treated as a digit and \( x_0 > x_1 > \dots \).

A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the maximal assignment.

◆ bdd_satmax() [2/6]

bdd adiar::bdd_satmax ( const bdd f,
const bdd d 

The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.

fBDD of interest.
dBDD cube of variables that ought to be included.
A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the maximal assignment.
domain_errorIf bdd_iscube(d) is not satisfied.

◆ bdd_satmax() [3/6]

void adiar::bdd_satmax ( const bdd f,
const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  c 

The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.

cConsumer that is called in ascending order of the bdd's levels with the (var, value) pairs of the assignment.

◆ bdd_satmax() [4/6]

bdd adiar::bdd_satmax ( const bdd f,
const generator< bdd::label_type > &  d,
const size_t  d_size = bdd::max_label+1 

The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true within the given domain.

dGenerator of domain in ascending order.
d_sizeUpper bound on the number of elements generated by d.
A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the maximal assignment.

◆ bdd_satmax() [5/6]

template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<is_const<typename ForwardIt::reference>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_satmax ( const bdd f,
ForwardIt  cbegin,
ForwardIt  cend 

The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.

fBDD of interest.
beginSingle-pass forward iterator of immutable variables in ascending ordering.
endMarks the end for begin.
A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the maximal assignment and (at least) includes the variables in [begin, end).

◆ bdd_satmax() [6/6]

template<typename OutputIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<OutputIt, consumer<pair<bdd::label_type, bool>>> && !is_convertible<OutputIt, bdd>>>
OutputIt adiar::bdd_satmax ( const bdd f,
OutputIt  iter 

The lexicographically largest x such that f(x) is true.

fBDD of interest.
beginSingle-pass output iterator for where to place the output.
The output iterator at its final state.

◆ bdd_satmin() [1/6]

bdd adiar::bdd_satmin ( const bdd f)

The lexicographically smallest cube x such that f(x) is true.

Outputs the trace of the low-most path to the true terminal. The resulting assignment is lexicographically smallest, where every variable is treated as a digit and \( x_0 > x_1 > \dots \).

A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the minimal assignment.

◆ bdd_satmin() [2/6]

bdd adiar::bdd_satmin ( const bdd f,
const bdd d 

The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.

fBDD of interest.
dBDD cube of variables that ought to be included.
A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the minimal assignment.
domain_errorIf bdd_iscube(d) is not satisfied.

◆ bdd_satmin() [3/6]

void adiar::bdd_satmin ( const bdd f,
const consumer< pair< bdd::label_type, bool > > &  c 

The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.

cConsumer that is called in ascending order of the bdd's levels with the (var, value) pairs of the assignment.

◆ bdd_satmin() [4/6]

bdd adiar::bdd_satmin ( const bdd f,
const generator< bdd::label_type > &  d,
const size_t  d_size = bdd::max_label+1 

The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true within the given domain.

dGenerator of domain in ascending order.
d_sizeUpper bound on the number of elements generated by d.
A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the minimal assignment.

◆ bdd_satmin() [5/6]

template<typename ForwardIt , typename = enable_if<is_const<typename ForwardIt::reference>>>
bdd adiar::bdd_satmin ( const bdd f,
ForwardIt  cbegin,
ForwardIt  cend 

The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.

fBDD of interest.
beginSingle-pass forward iterator of immutable variables in ascending ordering.
endMarks the end for begin.
A bdd whos only path to the true terminal reflects the minimal assignment and (at least) includes the variables in [begin, end).

◆ bdd_satmin() [6/6]

template<typename OutputIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<OutputIt, consumer<pair<bdd::label_type, bool>>> && !is_convertible<OutputIt, bdd>>>
OutputIt adiar::bdd_satmin ( const bdd f,
OutputIt  iter 

The lexicographically smallest x such that f(x) is true.

fBDD of interest.
beginSingle-pass output iterator for where to place the output.
The output iterator at its final state.

◆ bdd_support() [1/2]

void adiar::bdd_support ( const bdd f,
const consumer< bdd::label_type > &  cb 

Get (in ascending order) all of the variable labels that occur in the BDD.

fBDD of interest.
cbCallback function that consumes the variable labels.

◆ bdd_support() [2/2]

template<typename OutputIt , typename = enable_if<!is_convertible<OutputIt, consumer<bdd::label_type>>>>
OutputIt adiar::bdd_support ( const bdd f,
OutputIt  iter 

Copy all of the variable labels (in ascending order) that occur in the BDD into the given container.

fBDD of interest.
iterSingle-pass output iterator for where to place the output.
The output iterator at its final state.

◆ bdd_terminal()

bdd adiar::bdd_terminal ( bool  value)

The BDD representing the given constant value.

valueThe constant Boolean (terminal) value
See also
bdd_const bdd_false bdd_true

◆ bdd_top()

bdd adiar::bdd_top ( )

The top of the powerset lattice.

\( \top \)
See also

◆ bdd_topvar()

bdd::label_type adiar::bdd_topvar ( const bdd f)

Get the root's variable label.

invalid_argumentIf f is a terminal.

◆ bdd_true()

bdd adiar::bdd_true ( )

The BDD representing the constant true.

\( \top \)

◆ bdd_unequal()

bool adiar::bdd_unequal ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Whether the two BDDs represent different functions.

See also

◆ bdd_xnor()

__bdd adiar::bdd_xnor ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'xnor' operator.

\( \neg (f \oplus g) \)
See also

◆ bdd_xor()

__bdd adiar::bdd_xor ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 

Logical 'xor' operator.

\( f \oplus g \)
See also

◆ operator!=()

◆ operator&()

__bdd adiar::operator& ( const bdd lhs,
const bdd rhs 
See also

◆ operator*()

__bdd adiar::operator* ( const bdd lhs,
const bdd rhs 
See also

◆ operator+() [1/2]

See also

◆ operator+() [2/2]

__bdd adiar::operator+ ( const bdd lhs,
const bdd rhs 
See also
bdd_or ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

◆ operator-() [1/2]

◆ operator-() [2/2]

__bdd adiar::operator- ( const bdd lhs,
const bdd rhs 
See also

◆ operator==()

bool adiar::operator== ( const bdd f,
const bdd g 
See also

◆ operator^()

__bdd adiar::operator^ ( const bdd lhs,
const bdd rhs 
See also

◆ operator|()

__bdd adiar::operator| ( const bdd lhs,
const bdd rhs 
See also

◆ operator~()

bdd adiar::operator~ ( const bdd f)
See also