Adiar 2.1.0
An External Memory Decision Diagram Library
No Matches
adiar::exec_policy Class Reference

Settings to dictate the execution of Adiar's algorithms. More...

#include <adiar/exec_policy.h>


class  quantify
 Strategies and settings for Adiar to use in quantify/project algorithms. More...

Public Types

enum class  access : char { Auto , Random_Access , Priority_Queue }
 Whether Adiar should exclusively use random access or priority queues or automatically pick either way based on the width of inputs. More...
enum class  memory : char { Auto , Internal , External }
 Whether Adiar should exclusively use internal or external memory or automatically pick either type based on size of input. More...

Public Member Functions

 exec_policy ()=default
 Default constructor with all options set to their default value.
 exec_policy (const exec_policy &)=default
 Copy constructor.
 exec_policy (exec_policy &&)=default
 Move constructor.
 exec_policy (const access &am)
 Conversion construction from access enum.
 exec_policy (const memory &mm)
 Conversion construction from memory enum.
 exec_policy (const quantify::algorithm &qa)
 Conversion construction from quantify enum.
 exec_policy (const quantify::transposition_growth &tg)
 Conversion construction from quantify transposition growth value.
 exec_policy (const quantify::transposition_max &tm)
 Conversion construction from quantify transposition max runs value.
exec_policyoperator= (const exec_policy &)=default
 Copy assignment.
exec_policyoperator= (exec_policy &&)=default
 Move assignment.
template<typename T >
const Tget () const
 Obtain a value.
bool operator== (const exec_policy &ep) const
 Check for equality of settings.
bool operator!= (const exec_policy &ep) const
 Check for at least one mismatch in the settings.
exec_policyset (const access &am)
 Set the access mode.
exec_policy operator& (const access &am) const
 Create a copy with the access mode changed.
exec_policyset (const memory &mm)
 Set the memory mode.
exec_policy operator& (const memory &mm) const
 Create a copy with the memory mode changed.
exec_policyset (const quantify::algorithm &qa)
 Set the quantify algorithm.
exec_policy operator& (const quantify::algorithm &qa) const
 Create a copy with the quantify algorithm changed.
exec_policyset (const quantify::transposition_growth &tg)
 Set the quantify strategy.
exec_policy operator& (const quantify::transposition_growth &tg) const
 Create a copy with the quantify algorithm changed.
exec_policyset (const quantify::transposition_max &tm)
 Set the quantify strategy.
exec_policy operator& (const quantify::transposition_max &tm) const
 Create a copy with the quantify algorithm changed.

Detailed Description

Settings to dictate the execution of Adiar's algorithms.

Adiar's algorithms work very differently from other BDD implementations. Hence, it makes use of multiple novel techniques to make it competitive across the entire spectrum of BDD shapes and sizes. These can be turned on/off or tweaked by changing these settings.

Most likely, you would want to apply all techniques (in a safe way) and so you do not need to think about changing any of these.

For example, you can fix the bdd_exists to only use internal memory and the Nested Sweeping framework as follows:

vars.rbegin(), vars.rend());
@ Nested
Definition exec_policy.h:106
__bdd bdd_exists(const bdd &f, bdd::label_type var)
Existential quantification of a single variable.
consumer< ValueType > make_consumer(OutputIt &iter)
Wrap an iterator into a consumer function.
Definition functional.h:67

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ access

Whether Adiar should exclusively use random access or priority queues or automatically pick either way based on the width of inputs.

Adiar’s Algorithms delay recursion through use of auxiliary data structures. These auxiliary data structures are redundant when the width of one or more inputs fits in the internal memory. In these cases it is much faster to load in the entire level of a diagram and then use random access.

For more details, please read "Random Access on Narrow Decision Diagrams in External Memory" SPIN 2024.
Using Random_Access may lead to crashes if all inputs are too wide or input to random access is not canonical!
See also
bdd_apply zdd_binop

Pick Random Access when an input is narrow enough.


Always use Random Access


Always use Priority Queues

◆ memory

Whether Adiar should exclusively use internal or external memory or automatically pick either type based on size of input.

Adiar’s Algorithms delay recursion through use of auxiliary data structures. These auxiliary data structures can be optimised for internal memory, and so have a high performance on very small instances, or they can be designed for external memory such that they can handle decision diagrams much larger than the available memory.

For more details, please read "Predicting Memory Demands of BDD Operations using Maximum Graph Cuts" ATVA 2023.
Using Internal may lead to crashes if an input or output is too large!

Pick internal memory as long as it is safe to do so.


Always use internal memory


Always use external memory

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