An External Memory Decision Diagram Library
Structure declarations | |
enum | Cal_BddOpEnum { CAL_AND , CAL_OR , CAL_XOR } |
typedef enum Cal_BddOpEnum | Cal_BddOp_t |
CAL Manager | |
EXTERN Cal_BddManager | Cal_BddManagerInit () |
Creates and initializes a new BDD manager. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddManagerQuit (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Frees the BDD manager and all the associated allocations. More... | |
EXTERN void * | Cal_BddManagerGetHooks (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Returns the hooks field of the manager. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddManagerSetHooks (Cal_BddManager bddManager, void *hooks) |
Sets the hooks field of the manager. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddManagerSetParameters (Cal_BddManager bddManager, long reorderingThreshold, long maxForwardedNodes, double repackAfterGCThreshold, double tableRepackThreshold) |
Sets appropriate fields of BDD Manager. More... | |
EXTERN unsigned long | Cal_BddManagerGetNumNodes (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Returns the number of BDD nodes. More... | |
EXTERN unsigned long | Cal_BddTotalSize (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Returns the number of nodes in the Unique table. More... | |
EXTERN long | Cal_BddVars (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Returns the number of BDD variables. | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddOverflow (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Returns 1 if the node limit has been exceeded, 0 otherwise. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddStats (Cal_BddManager bddManager, FILE *fp) |
Prints miscellaneous BDD statistics. | |
EXTERN long | Cal_BddNodeLimit (Cal_BddManager bddManager, long newLimit) |
Sets the node limit to new_limit and returns the old limit. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddSetGCMode (Cal_BddManager bddManager, int gcMode) |
Sets the garbage collection mode. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddManagerSetGCLimit (Cal_BddManager manager) |
Sets the limit of the garbage collection. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddManagerGC (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Invokes the garbage collection at the manager level. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddDynamicReordering (Cal_BddManager bddManager, int technique, int method) |
Specify dynamic reordering technique and method. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddReorder (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Invoke the current dynamic reodering method. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Block | Cal_BddNewVarBlock (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd variable, long length) |
Creates and returns a variable block used for controlling dynamic reordering. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddVarBlockReorderable (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Block block, int reorderable) |
Sets the reoderability of a particular block. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_AssociationInit (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *associationInfoUserBdds, int pairs) |
Creates or finds a variable association. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_AssociationQuit (Cal_BddManager bddManager, int associationId) |
Deletes the variable association given by id. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_AssociationSetCurrent (Cal_BddManager bddManager, int associationId) |
Sets the current variable association to the one given. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_TempAssociationInit (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *associationInfoUserBdds, int pairs) |
Sets the temporary variable association. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_TempAssociationAugment (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *associationInfoUserBdds, int pairs) |
Adds to the temporary variable association. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_TempAssociationQuit (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Cleans up temporary association. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddDumpBdd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd *userVars, FILE *fp) |
Write a BDD to a file. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddUndumpBdd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userVars, FILE *fp, int *error) |
Reads a BDD from a file. More... | |
BDD | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddFree (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Frees the argument BDD. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddUnFree (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Unfrees the argument BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddNull (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Returns the NULL BDD. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddOne (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
The BDD for the constant one. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddZero (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
The BDD for the constant zero. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddManagerCreateNewVarFirst (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Create and obtain a new variable at the start of the variable order. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddManagerCreateNewVarLast (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Create and obtain a new variable at the end of the variable order. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddManagerCreateNewVarBefore (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Create and obtain a new variable before the specified one in the variable order. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddManagerCreateNewVarAfter (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Create and obtain a new variable after the specified one in the variable order. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddManagerGetVarWithIndex (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_BddIndex_t index) |
The variable with the specified index, null if no such variable exists. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddManagerGetVarWithId (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_BddId_t id) |
The variable with the specified id, null if no such variable exists. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsBddNull (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
1 if the argument BDD is NULL, 0 otherwise. | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsBddOne (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is constant one, 0 otherwise. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsBddZero (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is constant zero, 0 otherwise. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsBddConst (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is either constant one or constant zero, otherwise returns 0. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsCube (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is a cube, 0 otherwise. | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsEqual (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd1, Cal_Bdd userBdd2) |
Returns 1 if argument BDDs are equal, 0 otherwise. | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddDependsOn (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd varUserBdd) |
Returns 1 if f depends on var and returns 0 otherwise. | |
EXTERN long | Cal_BddSize (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, int negout) |
BDD size of fUserBdd . More... | |
EXTERN long | Cal_BddSizeMultiple (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *fUserBddArray, int negout) |
Similar to Cal_BddSize for a null-terminated array of BDDs and accounting for sharing of nodes. | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddSupport (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd *support) |
Returns the support of f as a null-terminated array of variables. | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddProfile (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, long *levelCounts, int negout) |
The number of nodes at each level in f. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddProfileMultiple (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *fUserBddArray, long *levelCounts, int negout) |
Similar to Cal_BddProfile for a null-terminated array of BDDs and accounting for sharing of nodes. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddFunctionProfile (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, long *funcCounts) |
The number of subfunctions of f which may be obtained by restricting variables with an index lower than n. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddFunctionProfileMultiple (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *fUserBddArray, long *funcCounts) |
Similar to Cal_BddFunctionProfile for a null-terminated array of BDDs and accounting for sharing of nodes. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddPrintBdd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_VarNamingFn_t VarNamingFn, Cal_TerminalIdFn_t TerminalIdFn, Cal_Pointer_t env, FILE *fp) |
Prints a BDD in the human readable form. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddPrintProfile (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_VarNamingFn_t varNamingProc, char *env, int lineLength, FILE *fp) |
Displays the node profile for f on fp . More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddPrintProfileMultiple (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBdds, Cal_VarNamingFn_t varNamingProc, char *env, int lineLength, FILE *fp) |
Similar to Cal_BddPrintProfile but displays the profile for a set of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddPrintFunctionProfile (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd f, Cal_VarNamingFn_t varNamingProc, char *env, int lineLength, FILE *fp) |
Similar to Cal_BddPrintProfile but displays a function profile for f . More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddPrintFunctionProfileMultiple (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBdds, Cal_VarNamingFn_t varNamingProc, char *env, int lineLength, FILE *fp) |
Similar to Cal_BddPrintFunctionProfile but displays a function profile for a set of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_BddFunctionPrint (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd, char *name) |
Prints the function implemented by the argument BDD. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddIdentity (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Duplicate of the argument BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddGetRegular (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns a BDD with positive from a given BDD with arbitrary phase. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddNot (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Complement of the argument BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddCompose (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd, Cal_Bdd hUserBdd) |
Substitute a BDD variable by a function. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddIntersects (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Computes a BDD that implies conjunction of f and g . More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddImplies (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Computes a BDD that implies conjunction of f and Cal_BddNot(g) . More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddITE (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd, Cal_Bdd hUserBdd) |
Logical If-Then-Else. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddAnd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical AND of argument BDDs. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddMultiwayAnd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBddArray) |
Logical AND of BDDs in argument null-terminated array of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddNand (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical NAND of argument BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddOr (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical Or of argument BDDs. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddMultiwayOr (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBddArray) |
Logical OR of BDDs in argument null-terminated array of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddNor (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical NOR of argument BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddXor (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical XOR of argument BDDs. | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddMultiwayXor (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBddArray) |
Logical XOR of BDDs in argument null-terminated array of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddXnor (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical XNOR of argument BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd * | Cal_BddPairwiseAnd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBddArray) |
Logical AND of BDD pairs in argument null-termiinated array of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd * | Cal_BddPairwiseOr (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBddArray) |
Logical OR of BDD pairs in argument null-termiinated array of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd * | Cal_BddPairwiseXor (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd *userBddArray) |
Logical XOR of BDD pairs in argument null-termiinated array of BDDs. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddSubstitute (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Substitute a set of variables by functions. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddVarSubstitute (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Substitute a set of variables by set of another variables. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddSwapVars (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd, Cal_Bdd hUserBdd) |
The function obtained by swapping two variables. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddExists (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Existentially quantification of some variables from the given BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddForAll (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Universal quantification of some variables from the given BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddRelProd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Logical AND of the argument BDDs and existentially quantifying some variables from the product. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddCofactor (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd cUserBdd) |
Generalized cofactor of f with respect to c . More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddReduce (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd cUserBdd) |
A function that agrees with f for all valuations which satisfy c . More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddBetween (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fMinUserBdd, Cal_Bdd fMaxUserBdd) |
A function that contains fMin and is contained in fMax . More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddSatisfy (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
A satisfying assignment of f . More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddSatisfySupport (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Returns a special cube contained in f . More... | |
EXTERN double | Cal_BddSatisfyingFraction (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
Fraction of valuations which make f true. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddType (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd) |
The type of the given BDD (0, 1, +var, -var, overflow, nonterminal). More... | |
EXTERN Cal_BddId_t | Cal_BddGetIfIndex (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns the index of the top variable of the argument BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_BddId_t | Cal_BddGetIfId (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns the id of the top variable of the argument BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddIf (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
A BDD corresponding to the top variable of the given BDD. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddThen (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
The positive cofactor of the argument BDD with respect to its top variable. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_BddElse (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
The negative cofactor of the argument BDD with respect to its top variable. More... | |
Pipelined BDD Manipulation | |
EXTERN int | Cal_PipelineInit (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_BddOp_t bddOp) |
Initialize a BDD pipeline. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_PipelineQuit (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Resets the pipeline freeing all resources. More... | |
EXTERN void | Cal_PipelineSetDepth (Cal_BddManager bddManager, int depth) |
Set depth of a BDD pipeline. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_PipelineExecute (Cal_BddManager bddManager) |
Executes a pipeline. More... | |
EXTERN int | Cal_BddIsProvisional (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd userBdd) |
Returns 1, if the given user BDD is a provisional BDD node. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_PipelineCreateProvisionalBdd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd fUserBdd, Cal_Bdd gUserBdd) |
Create a provisional BDD in the pipeline. More... | |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd | Cal_PipelineUpdateProvisionalBdd (Cal_BddManager bddManager, Cal_Bdd provisionalBdd) |
Update a provisional BDD obtained during pipelining. More... | |
Macro declarations | |
#define | EXTERN extern |
#define | Cal_BddNamingFnNone ((char *(*)(Cal_BddManager, Cal_Bdd, Cal_Pointer_t))0) |
Default BDD variable naming function. | |
#define | Cal_BddTerminalIdFnNone ((char *(*)(Cal_BddManager, Cal_Address_t, Cal_Address_t, Cal_Pointer_t))0) |
Default BDD terminal naming function. | |
#define | Cal_Assert(valid) assert(valid) |
FileName [cal.h]
PackageName [cal]
Synopsis [Header CAL file for exported data structures and functions.]
Description []
SeeAlso [optional]
Author [Rajeev K. Ranjan (rajee) Jagesh V. Sanghavi ( v@ee rkel ey.ed usangh)] avi@ eecs. berk eley. edu
Copyright [Copyright (c) 1994-1996 The Regents of the Univ. of California. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
Revision [
EXTERN int Cal_AssociationInit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | associationInfoUserBdds, | ||
int | pairs | ||
) |
Creates or finds a variable association.
associationInfoUserBdds | An array of BDD with Cal_BddNull(bddManager) as the end marker. |
pairs | If 0, the array assumed to be an array of variables. Otherwise, it is interpreted as consecutive pairs of variables. |
If pairs
is non-zero, then associationInfoUserBdds
must be of even length, the even numbered array elements should be variables, and the odd numbered elements should be the BDDs which they are mapped to.
EXTERN void Cal_AssociationQuit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
int | associationId | ||
) |
Deletes the variable association given by id.
Decrements the reference count of the variable association with identifier id, and frees it if the reference count becomes zero.
EXTERN int Cal_AssociationSetCurrent | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
int | associationId | ||
) |
Sets the current variable association to the one given.
associationId | The id of the association to currently use. Set it to -1 if the temporary association should be used. |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddBetween | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fMinUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | fMaxUserBdd | ||
) |
A function that contains fMin
and is contained in fMax
Returns a minimal BDD f which is contains fMin and is contained in fMax
(fMin <= f <= fMax
). This operation is typically used in state space searches to simplify the representation for the set of states wich will be expanded at each step (‘Rk Rk-1’ <= f <= Rk`).
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddCofactor | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | cUserBdd | ||
) |
Generalized cofactor of f
with respect to c
Returns the generalized cofactor of BDD f with respect to BDD c. The constrain operator given by Coudert et al (ICCAD90) is used to find the generalized cofactor.
EXTERN int Cal_BddDumpBdd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd * | userVars, | ||
FILE * | fp | ||
) |
Write a BDD to a file.
\userVars A null-terminated array of variables that include the support of f
. These variables need not be in order of increasing index.
fp | File to write to |
EXTERN void Cal_BddDynamicReordering | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
int | technique, | ||
int | method | ||
) |
Specify dynamic reordering technique and method.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddElse | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
The negative cofactor of the argument BDD with respect to its top variable.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddExists | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddForAll | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN void Cal_BddFree | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Frees the argument BDD.
It is an error to free a BDD more than once.
EXTERN void Cal_BddFunctionProfile | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
long * | funcCounts | ||
) |
The number of subfunctions of f
which may be obtained by restricting variables with an index lower than n.
The nth entry of the function profile array is the number of subfunctions of f which may be obtained by restricting the variables whose index is less than n. An entry of zero indicates that f is independent of the variable with the corresponding index.
EXTERN void Cal_BddFunctionProfileMultiple | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | fUserBddArray, | ||
long * | funcCounts | ||
) |
Similar to Cal_BddFunctionProfile
for a null-terminated array of BDDs and accounting for sharing of nodes.
EXTERN Cal_BddId_t Cal_BddGetIfId | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Returns the id of the top variable of the argument BDD.
EXTERN Cal_BddId_t Cal_BddGetIfIndex | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Returns the index of the top variable of the argument BDD.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddGetRegular | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Returns a BDD with positive from a given BDD with arbitrary phase.
\warn This does not increase the reference count of the BDD.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddIdentity | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Duplicate of the argument BDD.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddIf | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddImplies | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
Computes a BDD that implies conjunction of f
and Cal_BddNot(g)
\sideffect None
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddIntersects | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN int Cal_BddIsBddConst | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is either constant one or constant zero, otherwise returns 0.
EXTERN int Cal_BddIsBddOne | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is constant one, 0 otherwise.
EXTERN int Cal_BddIsBddZero | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Returns 1 if the argument BDD is constant zero, 0 otherwise.
EXTERN int Cal_BddIsProvisional | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddITE | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | hUserBdd | ||
) |
Logical If-Then-Else.
Returns the BDD for the logical operation f ? g : h
, i.e. f&g | ~f&h
EXTERN int Cal_BddManagerGC | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Invokes the garbage collection at the manager level.
For each variable in the increasing id free nodes with reference count equal to zero freeing a node results in decrementing reference count of then and else nodes by one.
EXTERN void* Cal_BddManagerGetHooks | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Returns the hooks field of the manager.
EXTERN unsigned long Cal_BddManagerGetNumNodes | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Returns the number of BDD nodes.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddManagerGetVarWithId | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_BddId_t | id | ||
) |
The variable with the specified id, null if no such variable exists.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddManagerGetVarWithIndex | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_BddIndex_t | index | ||
) |
The variable with the specified index, null if no such variable exists.
EXTERN Cal_BddManager Cal_BddManagerInit | ( | ) |
Creates and initializes a new BDD manager.
Initializes and allocates fields of the BDD manager. Some of the fields are initialized for maxNumVars+1 or numVars+1, whereas some of them are initialized for maxNumVars or numVars. The first kind of fields are associated with the id of a variable and the second ones are with the index of the variable.
EXTERN int Cal_BddManagerQuit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Frees the BDD manager and all the associated allocations.
EXTERN void Cal_BddManagerSetGCLimit | ( | Cal_BddManager | manager | ) |
Sets the limit of the garbage collection.
It tries to set the limit at twice the number of nodes in the manager at the current point. However, the limit is not allowed to fall below the MIN_GC_LIMIT
or to exceed the value of node limit (if one exists).
EXTERN void Cal_BddManagerSetHooks | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
void * | hooks | ||
) |
Sets the hooks field of the manager.
EXTERN void Cal_BddManagerSetParameters | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
long | reorderingThreshold, | ||
long | maxForwardedNodes, | ||
double | repackAfterGCThreshold, | ||
double | tableRepackThreshold | ||
) |
Sets appropriate fields of BDD Manager.
This function is used to set the parameters which are used to control the reordering process. These parameters have different affect on the computational and memory usage aspects of reordeing. For instance, higher value of maxForwardedNodes
will result in process consuming more memory, and a lower value on the other hand would invoke the cleanup process repeatedly resulting in increased computation.
reorderingThreshold | The number of nodes below which reordering will NOT be invoked. |
maxForwardedNodes | The maximum number of forwarded nodes which are allowed (at that point the cleanup must be done) |
repackAfterGCThreshold | The fraction of the page utilized that garbage collection has to achieve. |
tableRepackThreshold | The fraction of the page utilized below which repacking has to be invoked. |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddMultiwayAnd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBddArray | ||
) |
Logical AND of BDDs in argument null-terminated array of BDDs.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddMultiwayOr | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBddArray | ||
) |
Logical OR of BDDs in argument null-terminated array of BDDs.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddMultiwayXor | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBddArray | ||
) |
Logical XOR of BDDs in argument null-terminated array of BDDs.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddNand | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
Logical NAND of argument BDDs.
EXTERN Cal_Block Cal_BddNewVarBlock | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | variable, | ||
long | length | ||
) |
Creates and returns a variable block used for controlling dynamic reordering.
The block is specified by passing the first variable and the length of the block. The "length" number of consecutive variables starting from "variable" are put in the block.
EXTERN long Cal_BddNodeLimit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
long | newLimit | ||
) |
Sets the node limit to new_limit and returns the old limit.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddNor | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
Logical NOR of argument BDDs.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddNot | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Complement of the argument BDD.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddOne | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
The BDD for the constant one.
EXTERN int Cal_BddOverflow | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Returns 1 if the node limit has been exceeded, 0 otherwise.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd* Cal_BddPairwiseAnd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBddArray | ||
) |
Logical AND of BDD pairs in argument null-termiinated array of BDDs.
Returns an array of BDDs obtained by logical AND of BDD pairs specified by an BDD array in which a BDD at an even location is paired with a BDD at an odd location of the array
EXTERN Cal_Bdd* Cal_BddPairwiseOr | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBddArray | ||
) |
Logical OR of BDD pairs in argument null-termiinated array of BDDs.
Returns an array of BDDs obtained by logical OR of BDD pairs specified by an BDD array in which a BDD at an even location is paired with a BDD at an odd location of the array
EXTERN Cal_Bdd* Cal_BddPairwiseXor | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBddArray | ||
) |
Logical XOR of BDD pairs in argument null-termiinated array of BDDs.
Returns an array of BDDs obtained by logical XOR of BDD pairs specified by an BDD array in which a BDD at an even location is paired with a BDD at an odd location of the array
EXTERN void Cal_BddPrintBdd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_VarNamingFn_t | VarNamingFn, | ||
Cal_TerminalIdFn_t | TerminalIdFn, | ||
Cal_Pointer_t | env, | ||
FILE * | fp | ||
) |
Prints a BDD in the human readable form.
VarNamingFn | A pointer to a function taking a bddManager, a BDD and the pointer given by env. This function should return either a null pointer or a string that is the name of the supplied variable. If it returns a null pointer, a default name is generated based on the index of the variable. It is also legal for naminFN to be null; in this case, default names are generated for all variables. The macro bddNamingFnNone is a null pointer of suitable type. |
TerminalIdFn | A pointer to a function taking a bddManager, two longs, and the pointer given by the env. It should return either a null pointer. If it returns a null pointer, or if terminalIdFn is null, then default names are generated for the terminals. The macro bddTerminalIdFnNone is a null pointer of suitable type. |
fp | File to print the output to. |
EXTERN void Cal_BddPrintFunctionProfile | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | f, | ||
Cal_VarNamingFn_t | varNamingProc, | ||
char * | env, | ||
int | lineLength, | ||
FILE * | fp | ||
) |
Similar to Cal_BddPrintProfile
but displays a function profile for f
EXTERN void Cal_BddPrintFunctionProfileMultiple | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBdds, | ||
Cal_VarNamingFn_t | varNamingProc, | ||
char * | env, | ||
int | lineLength, | ||
FILE * | fp | ||
) |
Similar to Cal_BddPrintFunctionProfile
but displays a function profile for a set of BDDs.
EXTERN void Cal_BddPrintProfile | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_VarNamingFn_t | varNamingProc, | ||
char * | env, | ||
int | lineLength, | ||
FILE * | fp | ||
) |
Displays the node profile for f
on fp
lineLength | The maximum line length. |
varNamingFn | similar to Cal_BddPrintBdd . |
EXTERN void Cal_BddPrintProfileMultiple | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userBdds, | ||
Cal_VarNamingFn_t | varNamingProc, | ||
char * | env, | ||
int | lineLength, | ||
FILE * | fp | ||
) |
Similar to Cal_BddPrintProfile
but displays the profile for a set of BDDs.
EXTERN void Cal_BddProfile | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
long * | levelCounts, | ||
int | negout | ||
) |
The number of nodes at each level in f.
levelCounts | An array of size Cal_BddVars(bddManager)+1 to hold the profile. |
negout | Similar as in Cal_BddSize . |
EXTERN void Cal_BddProfileMultiple | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | fUserBddArray, | ||
long * | levelCounts, | ||
int | negout | ||
) |
Similar to Cal_BddProfile
for a null-terminated array of BDDs and accounting for sharing of nodes.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddReduce | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | cUserBdd | ||
) |
A function that agrees with f
for all valuations which satisfy c
Returns a BDD which agrees with f
for all valuations which satisfy c
. The result is usually smaller in terms of number of BDD nodes than f. This operation is typically used in state space searches to simplify the representation for the set of states wich will be expanded at each step.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddRelProd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
Logical AND of the argument BDDs and existentially quantifying some variables from the product.
EXTERN void Cal_BddReorder | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Invoke the current dynamic reodering method.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddSatisfy | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
A satisfying assignment of f
Returns a BDD which implies f
, true for some valuation on which f is true, and which has at most one node at each level.
EXTERN double Cal_BddSatisfyingFraction | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
Fraction of valuations which make f
is supposed to be a function of. EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddSatisfySupport | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
Returns a special cube contained in f
The returned BDD which implies f, is true for some valuation on which f is true, which has at most one node at each level, and which has exactly one node corresponding to each variable which is associated with something in the current variable association.
EXTERN void Cal_BddSetGCMode | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
int | gcMode | ||
) |
Sets the garbage collection mode.
gcMode | Set to 0 means the garbage collection should be turned off, while 1 means garbage collection should be on. |
EXTERN long Cal_BddSize | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
int | negout | ||
) |
BDD size of fUserBdd
negout | If non-zero then the number of nodes in fUserBdd is counted. If zero, the counting pretends the BDDs do not have negative-output pointers. |
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddSubstitute | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
Substitute a set of variables by functions.
Returns a BDD for f using the substitution defined by current variable association. Each variable is replaced by its associated BDDs. The substitution is effective simultaneously.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddSwapVars | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | hUserBdd | ||
) |
The function obtained by swapping two variables.
Returns the BDD obtained by simultaneously substituting variable g by variable h and variable h and variable g in the BDD f.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddThen | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
The positive cofactor of the argument BDD with respect to its top variable.
EXTERN unsigned long Cal_BddTotalSize | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Returns the number of nodes in the Unique table.
EXTERN int Cal_BddType | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
The type of the given BDD (0, 1, +var, -var, overflow, nonterminal).
if f is false, BDD_TYPE_ONE
if f is true, BDD_TYPE_POSVAR
is f is an unnegated variable, BDD_TYPE_NEGVAR
if f is a negated variable, BDD_TYPE_OVERFLOW
if f is null, and BDD_TYPE_NONTERMINAL
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddUndumpBdd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | userVars, | ||
FILE * | fp, | ||
int * | error | ||
) |
Reads a BDD from a file.
If the same userVars
is used in dumping and undumping, the BDD returned will be equal to the one that was dumped. More generally, if array v1 is used when dumping, and the array v2 is used when undumping, the BDD returned will be equal to the original BDD with the ith variable in v2 substituted for the ith variable in v1 for all i.
\params userVars A null terminated array of variables that will become the support of the BDD. As in Cal_BddDumpBdd
, these need not be in the order of increasing index.
\params fp File to load from.
Invalid file format CAL_BDD_UNDUMP_OVERFLOW
Node limit exceeded CAL_BDD_UNDUMP_IOERROR
Unexpected EOF EXTERN void Cal_BddUnFree | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | userBdd | ||
) |
Unfrees the argument BDD.
It is an error to pass a BDD with reference count of zero to be unfreed.
EXTERN void Cal_BddVarBlockReorderable | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Block | block, | ||
int | reorderable | ||
) |
Sets the reoderability of a particular block.
If a block is reorderable, the child blocks are recursively involved in swapping.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddVarSubstitute | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd | ||
) |
Substitute a set of variables by set of another variables.
Returns a BDD for f using the substitution defined by current variable association. It is assumed that each variable is replaced by another variable.
instead.EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddXnor | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
Logical XNOR of argument BDDs.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_BddZero | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
The BDD for the constant zero.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_PipelineCreateProvisionalBdd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | fUserBdd, | ||
Cal_Bdd | gUserBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN int Cal_PipelineExecute | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Executes a pipeline.
All the results are computed. User should update the BDDs of interest.
EXTERN int Cal_PipelineInit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_BddOp_t | bddOp | ||
) |
Initialize a BDD pipeline.
EXTERN void Cal_PipelineQuit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Resets the pipeline freeing all resources.
EXTERN void Cal_PipelineSetDepth | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
int | depth | ||
) |
Set depth of a BDD pipeline.
The "depth" determines the amount of dependency we / would allow in pipelined computation.
EXTERN Cal_Bdd Cal_PipelineUpdateProvisionalBdd | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd | provisionalBdd | ||
) |
EXTERN void Cal_TempAssociationAugment | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | associationInfoUserBdds, | ||
int | pairs | ||
) |
Adds to the temporary variable association.
pairs | Similar to Cal_TempAssociationInit . |
EXTERN void Cal_TempAssociationInit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager, |
Cal_Bdd * | associationInfoUserBdds, | ||
int | pairs | ||
) |
Sets the temporary variable association.
pairs | Set this to 0 if the information represents only a list of variables rather than a full association. |
EXTERN void Cal_TempAssociationQuit | ( | Cal_BddManager | bddManager | ) |
Cleans up temporary association.